Sleighs & Carriages
Meadowbrook Carts
We have several meadowbrooks of various sizes including an ash meadowbrook that was custom made for Peggy Cambridge and a beautiful meadowbrook for Baby both built by Hafemann Carriage Co., Philadelphia N.Y.
Basket Side Pony Trap
This basket side pony trap is unique in that it is cut-under (which allows the front wheels to turn sharply). Made circa 1900, this trap was purchased by Bower Powers Sr., of Pierrepont N.Y., for his daughter Helen in 1934. A reward for getting the potatoes dug on time, the package deal of pony, tack, carriage and pony sleigh (see Pony Wang below) was bought from a banker in Canton, N.Y. The carriage was used in parades in Canton. The Cambridge family had it restored by Hafemann Carriage, Co. in 2003, with the wicker work done by Willowtree Florist, Potsdam, N.Y. It won Best Antique Carriage at GMHA's Fall Classic in 2017.
Extension Top Surrey
Our extension top surrey was made by Durant Dort Co., Detroit, Mich. and shipped on January 11th, 1910. The following year, Durant Dort discontinued the line of carriages and by 1914, it became Buick. The unused carriage was traded for services rendered by Dr. Sapson of Canton, N.Y. The carriage is in restoration. Traditionally surreys were like the original automobile. They were mass produced and came in black. Surreys were used as a family town vehicle.
Pony Wagon
Natural-finish two-seat wagon built by Hafemann Carriage Company. Tania purchased this cute wagon from a local farmer in 2006. It is usually set up single, but can also be set up for a small team of ponies.
Grocery Delivery Sleigh
This delivery piano-box sleigh was owned by George E. and J.B. LaSelle Groceries of Canton. Around 1870, they had a grocery located on the island in Canton. (George E. LaSelle owned one of the large mansard houses on West Main St.). The Cambridges' purchased the sleigh in 2005 and restored it for use.
Mail Delivery Sleigh
In the late 1800's this piano box sleigh was used to deliver mail from Colton to Canton, and used as an early mode of public transportation in the winter. Later it was owned by Roger and Anne Huntley of Pierrepont, N.Y., and was displayed at Grandpa's Museum.
Piano Box Sleigh
Similar to the other two sleighs only smaller, this sleigh was purchased by the Cambridge family in 2005 and came from Foxtail Farm near Horseheads, N.Y. The history of this sleigh is unknown.
Pony Wang
This pony sized sleigh originally came as part of a package with the basket side pony trap (see above). Acquired by the Cambridge family in 2004, it has yet to be restored.
Kutzmann Cob Lite
The natural wood color and cream air brushed wheels looks great with Dodger's haflinger coloring!
People Mover
Our people mover is pulled by the mule team Fergus and Festus.